
【和訳演習】 US6005935 Method and system of using personal information as a key when distributing information

1. A method for using personal information as a key, said method comprising the steps of:
a) purchasing software in a purchase transaction that includes providing human readable personal information known to the[SN1]  purchaser;
 a)購入者に知られており[SN2] かつ[SN3] 人間が解読可能な個人情報を提供するステップを含む購入取引においてソフトウェアを購入するステップと、
b) acquiring at a seller[SN4]  said human readable personal information from the purchaser of software[SN5] ;
said human readable personal information including at least three pieces of personal information selected from among the purchaser's name, address, telephone number, mother's name, maiden name[SN6] , spouse's name, children's names, birthdate, and social security number[SN7] ;
designing a key for accessing the purchased software, said key being said human readable personal information acquired from the purchaser, wherein the personal information is independent of a particular electronic medium in which the software will be installed;
 b)前記人間に解読可能な個人情報を前記ソフトウェアの購入者から販売者で[SN8] 取得するステップと、
c) embedding the human readable personal information key in the purchased software;
d) conveying the purchased software to the purchaser through an electronic medium;
e) asking the purchaser to enter a human readable personal information key, by a prompt from the electronic medium, before allowing the purchaser to access the conveyed software;
f) entering by the purchaser[SN10]  the human readable personal information key;
 f)前記購入者によって[SN11] 前記人間が解読可能な個人情報による鍵を入力するステップと、
g) comparing the entered key with the key embedded in the software; and
h) allowing the purchaser to access the conveyed software if the entered and embedded keys match.
・「the human readable personal information key」を「人間が解読可能な個人情報による鍵」と訳しました。

 [SN4]at a sellerが主語となる。「販売者が」と訳してもよい。
 [SN5]厳密には“the software”とすべき。
 [SN6]maiden name:〔既婚女性の〕旧姓◆【無性語】birth name
 [SN7]social security number [SN7]:社会保障番号【略】SSN


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