- (注意)略語の表示の仕方
Currently, Web pages are typically defined using HyperText Markup Language ("HTML").
現在、Webページはハイパーテキスト・マークアップ言語(HTML: Hyper Text Markup Language)を使用して定義されているのが代表的である。
- (注意)whichの先行詞が不明確な文
Many Web servers have been developed through which vendors can advertise and sell product.
- (注意)want、能動文を受動文のように訳す
Since the purchaser-specific order information contains sensitive information (e.g., a credit card number), both vendors and purchasers want to ensure the security of such information.
Security is a concern because information transmitted over the Internet may pass through various intermediate computer systems on its way to its final destination.
- (注意)any、後半部は懸垂掛けでは?
In some models, when a purchaser selects any one item, then that item is "checked out" by automatically prompting the user for the billing and shipment information.
If a purchaser is ordering only one item, then the overhead of confirming the various steps of the ordering process and waiting for, viewing, and updating the purchaser-specific order information can be much more than the overhead of selecting the item itself.
- (注意)andによる複雑な並列関係
If a purchaser is ordering only one item, then the overhead of confirming the various steps of the ordering process and waiting for, viewing, and updating the purchaser-specific order information can be much more than the overhead of selecting the item itself.
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